This is just one of the many questions we architects frequently ask, and get asked. But how much easier it would be if there was a foolproof way to manage revisions and know that everyone else is on top of it too.

As architects we don’t need organizing; it’s the rest of the team who are still in the dark ages and it inevitably falls back on our shoulders to keep the whole team on the right revision. It’s frustrating and time-consuming. The drawing register (document management platform) on SiteSupervisor is made to address this problem. All drawings are shown in a digital drawing transmittal format, highlighting exactly which revision per different project stage. In the drawing register it also provides the date for when the most recent revision was transmitted, and the main information you want the team to know is right there on the digital transmittal. Once a drawing is opened for viewing in the platform, there is a banner above the drawing which tells everyone if they are viewing the latest revision or not. There will never be any confusion about the latest revision again.

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